IDEENGEBER - brought to life in 2020

The idea
It is time that we all meet more people who are looking for solutions instead of always putting the problems in the first place.
This requires a free spirit, independence, self-confidence, courage, experience and a companion.Many things will be easier if you learn to read the signs you get, work with the possibilities instead of the adversity and delete the word "BUT", the absolute innovation killer, from your vocabulary for some time. With a companion, many things become even easier.
This is how new projects get going through your own creativity and the exchange with like-minded people!

The evolution
Over the past 25 years, in retrospect, I have always followed a path that I could not recognize as coherent at the time, especially since it was often determined by twists and turns. From today's perspective, this path has always been based on innovation, creativity and a spiritual mind. Burning curiosity about many things, new ideas and concepts have always been my fuel and it has always been easy for me to keep this fire burning through my enthusiasm.
It was always about solutions that often came out of a change of perspective. First for the design of interiors then buildings, 3D visualizations, corporate design and image videos for startups and companies, then conception of technical platforms, many years of user experience conception and design for apps + internet. Then more and more often topics from the field of transformation of companies, business development and consulting, development of new business areas, organization and improvement of processes came into my daily digital work. Accompanying I have always been involved with good, innovative teaching and learning of and with children and students in the context of small projects and my university teaching.
I have thus accumulated a wealth of project experience in a wide range of business areas and company sizes, from small one woman/one man self-employed, medium-sized businesses (SMEs) to corporations with over 60,000 employees.
On all these, some would say "detours" and thousands of conversations with people of different perspectives, I have recognized over time more and more clearly my path and my strengths. I very quickly get an overview of complex systems, situations and tasks of the most diverse kind.
I can work well with difficult, often deadlocked constellations of people with different ways of thinking, whom I always meet at eye level and with empathy and respect. In doing so, I am often a "mediator between the worlds of thought" of my clients and their employees.
I am an absolute team player!
It is great to move forward as a team, to share a vision and follow it with enthusiasm, to overcome obstacles together and stand up for each other to achieve a common goal - even if the team consists of only two members.
My path has always been characterized by a strong focus on my own growth with spirituality, values and vision. In the process, one central thought has become increasingly clear to me - "my actions are successful when they serve not only me, but everyone".
All the topics that I have encountered in this way have, when looked at more closely, always to do with empathy, communication, creativity and one's own being - self-awareness.
But what is this "own being" actually?
Why is one liked or not liked? What makes up a personality? Can a person change at all? Today I know that all this is possible if you want it and go on the way.
That's why I share my treasure as THE IDEATOR.

Want to be part of my network?
We can achieve much more as a team than as lone warriors.Everyone knows this truism.
Any team alone is not a guarantee of success and joy in work. The team spirit must be right, the people must somehow "vibrate the same" like tuning forks in resonance. That's why I, like many others, am always looking for people who resonate with my way of working and want to become part of a larger network.
If you feel addressed and think you can contribute something to IDEATOR I would be happy if you just get in touch. IDEATOR shall grow and accompany and connect more topics and people to a tribe.